Tuesday, February 14, 2006

$5 Refund Law

Hey all, as most of you know there is a $5 refund law in the state of Michigan. This law was put in place to ensure that stores are charging their customers apropriately. The law says that if you are oveercharged for an item, you are entitled to the difference plus 10 times the difference up to $5. For example, let's say you bought an item that was marked $1.19 and it rang up for $1.39, you would $.20 back plus 10 times that up to $5, so you would get back $2.20. Pretty cool huh?
Well, I had the privilege of having this happen to me today. I was at Office Max buying ink for a fax machine and the black ink was marked $12.89 and I was charged $14.49. In this case, the difference plus 10 times would exceed $5, so I was only entitled to my five dollars back, but the store people were nuts!! They first tried to tell me I was only going to get the difference back. Then they tried to give like $9 back. The whole thing was crazy and it took a while, but the important thin is I got my $5.


Just Shu said...

do you ever overcharge people at the restaraunt, so you can give them 5 bucks back?

IngeIsMyTiger said...

No way, plus our items aren't actually marked. How were your pooper sandwiches?

IngeIsMyTiger said...

yeah sorry, that was definitely a typo